Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sweet Potatoes on the Side

Sweet potatoes are very good for you, helping to maintain the electrolyte balance in your cells and helping to regulate your heart and blood pressure.

A medium sweet potato has 130 calories and, if you eat it with the skin, has more fiber than oatmeal. It also has potassium, vitamin B-6, vitamin A, some iron and copper.

Sweet potatoes are actually better for you than yams, but if that's all you can find, they're still good for you.

When I was an exchange student in Japan, vendors would sell the school kids
hot sweet potatoes on a stick for a snack. They tasted great.

If you already have the oven going at 350 degrees, it is so easy to just toss in a couple sweet potatoes right onto the rack and bake them for 40-50 minutes. Just put a pan underneath the rack to catch any drippings. When your sweet potatoes are done, add a little butter and brown sugar. They are yummy!

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